Saturday, April 25, 2009

Why is my African Daisy dying?!?

I bought an african daisy plant a few days ago.I changed the plant to a bigger pot.It is in full sun and i water it every second or third day.There are 5 flowers in bloom but only one looks healthy,the others look like they are dying.The leafs are green btw.

Why is my African Daisy dying?!?
Sometimes when you transplant from a smaller pot to a larger pot, the roots in the smaller pot have already become pot bound. Taking a sharp paring knife and making a cross cut into the bottom of the root ball to disentangle the root mass and then transplanting it to a bigger pot usually helps and keeps it from getting plant shock. Also you should not have immediately placed it in direct sunlight as this could have shocked it too. Indirect sunlight for a week or two and then gradually move it to the brighter sunny area. Do not over water for the first few days either. Dead heading your flowers(removing the dead blooms) will guarantee a good healthy stock of blooms to come. This works real well with Petunias, Marigolds, Nasturtiums, and most all varieties of daisies. Give them a little dose of Miracle Grow about every 3 to 4 weeks for more bloom proliferation. Good Luck.
Reply:to much water.. they dont like wet feet...t
Reply:i guess it miss its home in africa..
Reply:don't worry about blooms if the rest of the plant is healthy. the blooms don't last--they're supposed to have their day and then die. just cut them off at the base of their stems. new blooms will appear on other "branches" of the plant. also, it's common to lose extra blooms right after a transplant.

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